South West Beltex Club
At the AGM in December there has been a change of officers for the South West Club, Chairman – John Howieson (Lambershurst flock), Vice Chairman, Jack Simpson (Hunrosa flock) Secretary & Treasurer, Tracey Cobbledick (Swelle flock). A big thank you to Louise Elworthy and her team who have promoted Beltex in the South West Area for many years. The new team wish Louise all the best for the future and know she is there to be called upon for her experience.
Kirsty Howieson (Thistle flock) has kindly taken on the role of Promotion Officer for the region.
Friday 23 April – Easter Extravaganza – Ewes with Lambs at Foot Sale
Information available from Kivells, Exeter
Fri 2nd September – Worcester Breed Sale (this year it has been agreed with Council that this sale is the South West Club Sale)