Premier Meat Exhibition

Saturday 12th November 2022

Ruling Supreme at the Scottish National Fat Stock Club’s Premier Meat Exhibition’s live/dead competition was the Hall Family from Inglewood Edge which saw the live section judged on Wednesday, 9 November, with the carcase competition a few days later on Saturday, 13 November.



The Halls – John together with daughter Joanne, her daughter April and stockfolk Johnny Aiken and Chloe Hunter – claimed the Supreme Championship during the live judging with an entry that went on to win the Jean Marie Macquet Trophy for best export lamb, and also secured the Carcase Championship with another lamb entirely. Their live leader judged by Brian Robb was sired by Hackney Countdown ET, weighed 38.1kg on the Wednesday and killed out at 19.9kg with a grade of E3L and 52.2% kill out.



Leading the carcases was a Lurg Ecstasy ET-sired lamb that weighed 39.4kg live when it stood second in its class, and gave a 54.1% kill out when it weighed 21.3kg and graded E3L. The carcase section was judged by Jimmy Vevers.