Following on from the success of the 2020 virtual show season and coupled with the ongoing show season uncertainty, the Society has decided to run its virtual show season again for 2021. Although some events have been cancelled and others hope to go ahead, the virtual show season will include all 10 shows covered last year plus the Royal Norfolk to take in breeders and exhibitors in the East of England.
The shows will provide light-hearted fun, and there will again be prize cards and money on offer – £10 for 1st place, £7 for 2nd place and £5 for 3rd place as well as £25 for Champion and £15 for Reserve. Additional prize cards will be issued if entries suffice. There will be no entry fee but exhibitors may send a donation to the Society or forgo their prize money, which will then be passed on to the Society’s chosen charity.
These shows will be held on their traditional date regardless of whether the show is actually going ahead or not, and judges will be confirmed in due course. Please note, the RHS virtual show will be held on the Friday as is the typical Beltex judging day, and the GYS virtual judging will take place on the Thursday so as not to clash with the physical Great Yorkshire judging.
There will also be a virtual progeny show near the end of the season which will include classes for groups of lambs by the same sire, groups of breeding ewes and shearlings, as well as commercial classes for prime lambs and stock ewes, and some much-requested young handlers classes. Keep an eye on the Society’s Facebook page and website for further details.
Major shows included are:
Wed 12 May Balmoral Judge: Andrew Baillie, Callacrag
Thu 10 June Royal Cornwall Judge: Anne Story, Borderesk
Fri 11 June Royal Three Counties Judge: Grant Anderson, Topflite
Fri 18 June Royal Highland Judge: Wade McCrabbe, Ardstewart
Wed 30 June Royal Norfolk Judge: Adrian Evans, Bancycrwys
Fri 16 July Great Yorkshire Judge: John Scott, Fearn
Sat 17 July Penrith Judge: John Harbinson, Glenkeen
Mon 19 July Royal Welsh Judge: Richard Wood, Kingledores
As well as National Shows (exhibitors MUST be a member of the relevant club in order to take part):
Sat 12 Jun Welsh National Judge: Jim Kennedy, Lyonpark
Sat 3 Jul Irish National Judge: Adrian Roberts, Cynin
Sat 6 Aug Scottish National
- Entries must be relevant to the current show season, i.e., a ewe lamb entry must have been born in 2021.
- Classes will include aged ram, shearling ram, ram lamb, aged ewe, shearling ewe and ewe lamb, with judges also selecting their male champion and reserve, and female champion and reserve.
- Entries may be dressed or shown naturally, that is up to the exhibitor.
- Please only enter shows you would typically or geographically enter. For example, a Northern Club member may show at the Royal Highland and Great Yorkshire shows, but it is unlikely they would compete at Balmoral or Royal Cornwall.
- You may submit up to three photos OR one continuous-shot video up to 20 seconds per entry, please try to avoid people or signs in submissions to keep entries anonymous for judging. All entries will be revealed at close of entry.
- No professional photographs will be allowed, such as photos of sheep taken at shows or sales or private photo shoots, and photos/videos must have been taken recently. You may use the same images/videos to enter more than one show.
- Entries will close three days before the show date in order to give time to collate the sections. If entering more than one show, please state which shows. Please keep posted throughout the season for reminders.
Please send your entries to Kayley Kennedy via WhatsApp on 07375 563809 (preferred option) or email [email protected]. When entering you must include your name, flock name, which show and which class as well as the pedigree tag number of entry (eg XYZ.F003).